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Solving real problems, delivering real value, making a lasting impact

We are an engineering, innovation and improvement consultancy that partners with forward thinking resource companies to solve real problems, deliver real value and make a lasting impact.

We know mining and its opportunities

We have decades of experience in technical and operational mining roles, coupled with deep knowledge of the rapidly changing technology landscape

Problem solving is what we do, through partnership is how we do it

We collaborate with the best thinkers, service providers, organisations and most importantly our clients to ensure we bring the best approach and solution to any given problem

We deliver sustainable value by understanding your business and how to make change stick 

Our team has extensive experience working in resources companies and being on both ends of solutions that did and did not sustain - we know what works and are pragmatic in our approach

Our people and culture drive our success

We bring diversity of background and thought to all our engagements coupled with Intifica's culture of passion, curiosity, collaboration, innovation, value focus and delivery

Problems we have helped our clients solve

How to get more value out of our existing capital investment against a backdrop of rising costs

Value delivered



% reduction in unit haul cost


% reduction staff turnover


% increase in metal produced

Impact made

"I am enjoying my role more because we are no longer in fire fighting mode"

Recent Clients

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How can we help?

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